Terms for Patient

THE Accompanying Agreements (" T&C" ) Oversee YOUR Admittance TO AND Utilization OF Aromo Health Application/Site (THE " Stage" ). THESE Agreements Make An Agreement Among YOU AND Aromo Health Restricted, In the event that YOU ARE Younger than 18, YOU Thus Affirm THAT YOU HAVE YOUR Folks OR Legitimate GUARDIAN'S Consent TO Utilize THE Stage. If it's not too much trouble, READ THESE T&C Cautiously BEFORE YOU Begin Utilizing THIS Stage. BY CLICKING " Concur/Acknowledge" YOU Consent TO BE Limited BY THESE T&C Consistently. Renunciation OF THE T&CS Will Prohibit YOU TO Utilize THE Stage. Assuming you have any inquiries in regards to the Stage or the T and C kindly reach us here. You thusly attempt, warrant, concur as well as grasp that:-

THE Administrations

1. The Stage comprises an innovation stage that works with medical care and wellbeing related administrations by Enlisted Clinical Specialist (" the Specialist" ), to those deprived to clinical consideration/administration (" Patients" ) straight forwardly, utilizing data and correspondence innovations (" the Administrations" /" Telemedicine" ). Clients of " Aromo Health” portable application can get to the Administrations by means of the Stage, likely to agreements gave in this and relevant regulations. It is thusly recognized by you that " Aromo Health” doesn't give the medical care and wellbeing related administrations or capability as a Specialist/medical care proficient and that all such medical services and wellbeing related administrations are given by Free outsider Specialists who are not utilized by " Aromo Health” or any of its partners. The Stage permits you, the Patient/End-Client to get administrations from Specialists who might give wellbeing schooling, advising connected with explicit clinical condition, or potentially recommend prescription, whichever choice is considered proper at the expert carefulness of the Specialist, and Specialists are giving counsel according to the appropriate Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council Telemedicine Rules July 2020 (" the Rules" ), Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council Code of Expert Lead, Decorum and Morals (" the Governing set of principles" ), regulations, rules, guidelines and bearing connected with the clinical expert administrations distributed by the Service of Wellbeing and Family Government assistance or different Directorates/workplaces occasionally. Furthermore, the Specialists would maintain pertinent arrangements of the Data and Correspondence Innovation Act, 2006, the Advanced Security Act 2018, or any appropriate guidelines authorized opportunity to time for safeguarding Patient's protection and secrecy and with respect to the taking care of and move of such private data of the Patient to third party

2. The Specialists will seek after sound clinical practice to play out the Administrations and will follow standards and conventions connecting with Specialist Patient relationship, assessment, the executives and therapy, informed assent, congruity of care, reference for crisis administrations, clinical records, protection and security of the Patient records and trade of data, remedy and repayment, wellbeing schooling, directing and so on as per the Rules, Implicit set of principles and such different regulations and guidelines are appropriate to clinical experts in Bangladesh.

3. Dependent upon your consistence with these T&C, " Aromo Health” awards you a restricted, non-elite, non-sublicensable, revocable, non-transferrable permit to: (1) access and utilize the Stage on your own gadget exclusively regarding your utilization of the Administrations; and (ii) access and utilize any satisfied, data and related materials that might be made accessible through the Administrations. Any privileges not explicitly allowed in this are saved by " Aromo Health” and " Aromo Health” licensors.

4. Note that Telemedicine may not be reasonable for crisis circumstances, in which case it is officeholder upon you to visit face to face care at the earliest. Enrolled Specialists might have the option to give you medical aid arrangement, direction, and advising before the in-person cooperation and allude the Patient to in-person mind. If you depend on the Administrations gave on the Stage to address crisis circumstance, " Aromo Health” or the Specialist will not be responsible for any misfortune and harms, including death toll or appendage, brought about by such dependence.


5. In making a record by enrollment and access the Stage, you address that you are beyond 18 years old and not banned from utilizing the Stage under material regulation. On the off chance that you are a minor, you thus affirm that you have your parent or legitimate gatekeeper checked on and acknowledged these T&C also, in all actuality you the consent to utilize the Stage.

6. You address and warrant that all data (complete name, orientation, birth date, Phone number, email address) and profile picture furnished by you to enlist with the Stage are precise, refreshed and will stay legitimate at all time. These data will be held and utilized as per our Protection Strategy, which can be found at (" Privacy Policy" ).

7. By enrolling with the Stage you consent to submit to the T&C consistently, to involve the Stage as per the laws of Bangladesh, and cease from manhandling the Stage in any capacity. You further recognize and concur that you wouldn't access or utilize the Stage utilizing any mechanized programming.

8. Endeavors to break security of the Stage on any PC or portable organization or access a record that doesn't have a place with you on the Stage is totally precluded.

9. To forestall extortion or misuse, just a single enrolled account for each gadget is permitted. Any endeavor to make extra records

10. The Stage is in no occasion obligated for any specialized errors or security breaks outside of the Stage's reach.

11. To look for a Specialist's counsel, you would start an interview on the Application/Site (" Initiation Request" ). By starting the meeting utilizing the Administrations, you agree to the conveyance of clinical benefits by the Specialists utilizing Telemedicine offices on the Stage and concur that the Specialists would approach your telephone number, permitting them to proceed with the discussion on the off chance that there is a correspondence issue (l.e. Web issue or call dropped).

Clinical benefits DISCLAIMER

12. You recognize and comprehend that the Stage isn't reasonable to be utilized as the sole conference strategy in potential or genuine health related crisis.

13. In the event that an ailment requires a specific convention to analyze and endorse as for a situation of in-person counsel then a similar winning rule will be relevant to a Telemedicine counsel.

14. You concur and recognized that any choices or activities influencing your own wellbeing, your hatchling, your youngster/ren, or your family's wellbeing or security depends on the exhortation you got from a Specialist, and the Stage doesn't ensure or is answerable for the quality and exactness of such exhortation.


15. The Stage is a web-based stage that associates Specialists with the Patients; and that the Stage may just be utilized for individual and non-business purposes as per this T&C.

16. No proper clinical finding or medicines are given on the Stage and that all data gave on or through the Stage or regarding any interchanges through the Stage, including, yet all the same not restricted to interchanges with specialists or enlisted clinical Specialists (all in all alluded to as " Registered Physicians" ) giving confidential web-based counsels (a " Meeting" ) on the Stage is planned to be for general data purposes as it were.

17. The Stage isn't to be utilized for health related crises; also, dependence on any data gave including the qualifications of the Specialists on the Stage is exclusively at your own gamble.

18. You might talk straightforwardly to your Doctor for a confidential conference over the Stage. The Specialist may, at his/her caution take on any at least one of the accompanying Patient the executives systems to address the grievances:

  • Give wellbeing schooling as proper for the situation; or potentially
  • give advising/conference connected with explicit clinical condition, including counsel connected with new examinations that should be completed before next counseling meeting;
  • and additionally give explicit treatment by endorsing meds as in Rundown O (which are non-prescription medications or others as told) of the Rules. Extra meds (according to Rundown An of the Rules) can likewise be endorsed in the event that the progressing tele-discussion is on record.

19. Whenever considered fitting by the Specialist in his/her expert judgment, s/he may likewise prompt the Patients for in-person meeting.

20. The support in the confidential web-based conference on the Stage doesn't comprise the Specialist as your essential consideration specialist and that you make a deal to avoid involving the Stage as a substitute for communications with your own/family specialist.

21. Your decision and fulfillment of the Specialist's appropriateness, accreditations or potentially permit or capability, and the confirmation of the precision of the data gave by means of the Stage is your only obligation and the Stage isn't at risk for any non-conveyance as well as unsuitable results.

22. You get it, recognize, and concur that the Specialist might request that you give pertinent data (protests, data about some other discussions for a similar issue, accessible examination and medicine subtleties, if any), and in giving data to the Specialist, you will guarantee exactness of the equivalent.

23. The Specialists are exclusively mindful and obligated for all solutions gave including the precision of data gave through the Stage following an interview.

24. The Specialist is exclusively answerable for deciding the requirement for additional eye to eye discussion and that in under no situation will the Stage be obligated for any misdiagnosis, acts or exclusions of the Specialist.

25. The Stage isn't responsible, mindful or gives no assurance to any client collaboration/s that happens past the Stage.

26.The Stage saves the right and holds the sole attentiveness to keep or eliminate any Specialist's profile on the Stage whenever; and to integrate or make accessible (as material) client audits on Specialist at some random time for the motivations behind improving help quality and furnishing you with the data to permit you to pursue informed choice/s.

27. The systems, items, administrations, and gadgets examined or potentially publicized on the Stage are for the motivations behind mindfulness just, don't be guaranteed to ensure or infer propriety for a specific individual or expectation of practicality, viability, result or progress of such items, administrations and gadgets and that the Stage doesn't embrace the adequacy or exactness of the equivalent. It is your only obligation to confirm the connected data and taking any free outside master counsel and that the membership or profiting of such methodology, items, administrations, and gadgets is despite the obvious danger.

28. All data gave over the Stage are given " with no guarantees" and that the Stage or any individual related with the Stage makes no express or suggested guarantees on the legitimacy of the rehearsing licenses of the Specialists or precision of the items in the Stage, including yet not restricted to the data partook in general society through question and replies, confidential conferences, ads, and so on, and that the separate creators are exclusively liable for their separate assertions made in the Stage, merchantability, qualification for a specific reason and non-encroachment concerning the fulfillment, security, dependability, quality, exactness or accessibility of the Stage. In no occasion will the Stage, its members or their licensors, specialist co-ops, representatives, specialists, officials, or some other related individual, be obligated for harms of any sort, under any regulation, emerging out of or regarding your utilization of the Stage or any Stage connected to it. Any satisfied on the Stage or such other Stage or any administrations got through the Stage or any Stage connected to it, including any immediate, round about, unique, coincidental, significant or correctional harms, including however not restricted to loss of income, benefits, business or reserve funds, loss of purpose, altruism, information or and so on, influences no risk which can't be rejected or restricted under material regulation.

29. The Stage is seen and open overall and that the Stage might contain data or references to items or administrations which may not be material, accessible or supported in all nations. Such data and references don't suggest that the equivalent is relevant, suitable, or accessible to all people in everything areas or that such item or administration is expected or might be made accessible in such areas.

30. Discourteous, revolting, oppressive or ill-advised or profane language, compromising, bothering, harassing, disparaging, prejudicial, abusive, deceitful remarks, disdain discourse or comments or messages imparted over the Stage to scare different clients or any way of behaving which may possibly harm the name or notoriety of the Stage will bring about suspension of your record.

31. You will shun making any move which is planned to, might actually or would sensibly be supposed to hurt the Stage's standing or lead to undesirable or horrible exposure of the Stage.

32. The Stage holds the right, at its only watchfulness to briefly impair your record, likely to allotting an fitting explanation including security issues, announced Inappropriate way of behaving, or some other explanation at all.

33. Any endeavors to distribute or send vindictive substance with the purpose to think twice about client's record or the Stage's UX climate is completely disallowed and may bring about the suspension of your record.

34. Distributing or posting others' private and secret Data or taking part in such exercises might result in the suspension of your record.

35. The Stage will for its advertising and special reason, save, use, and offer with outsiders (without uncovering your distinguishing proof) the data or information produced from the Stage.

Move/Utilization OF Data

36. By accepting this Agreements, you agree to the sharing or move of any data given by you on the Stage to any elements or related organizations or auxiliaries of the Stage, in Bangladesh or outside Bangladesh, as per material regulations.

37. Dependent upon classification, the Patient thus allows the trade and transmission of Patient grumblings, valuable information including pictures, lab reports and additionally radiological examination or such other data and archives, significant for conclusion, drug, wellbeing training and directing. You further recognize that any data you share on the Stage can be sent to various gatherings, including to Specialists, by " Aromo Health”, exclusively with the end goal of the Administrations and working on the nature of Administrations.

38. You get it and recognize that your acknowledgment of this T&C, and commencement of a counsel meeting, will be interpreted as unequivocal assent for Telemedicine interview and assortment, use or handling of individual data or wellbeing data by " Aromo Health” and Specialists on the Stage that are given by you and are recorded on the Application/Site, previously, during or after the discussion. Allude to our Protection Strategy for additional subtleties.

39. The Patient has an option to examine all data got and kept throughout a Telemedicine collaboration, and may get duplicates of this data for a sensible charge.


40. The Stage will exclusively deal with every monetary exchange against the Administrations.

41. No installments for the Administrations will be made other than on Stage's installment door.

42. Where there is discussion expense, the Patients should pay the interview charge and Tank prior to joining the specialist line for conference.

43. Where there is no conference expense, the Patients won't be expected to make any installment and they will be straightforwardly moved to the specialist meeting line.

44. When the Patient has made the installment and joined the line, s/he can not drop the installment besides as given in this.


45. In the event that the stand by time in the line is beyond what an hour, clients can drop the counsel and a discount will be made deducting a little installment handling charge.

46. In the event that a specialist can not counsel a Patient because of any explanation in the span of an hour of Commencement Solicitation, the client will get a full refund

47. In the event that a Patient drops a counsel preceding the video call of the Specialist after acknowledgment by the Specialist of the Patient's solicitation before the expiry of an hour from the Commencement Solicitation, a 5% charge will be deducted and the excess expense will be refunded to the Patient. There might be extra charges to make the discount. For instance, assuming that the client maintains that the cash should be refunded to bKash, bKash exchange expense will be deducted.

48. For any Cancellation and Refunds if it's not too much trouble, email to: aromohealth2023@gmail.com

49. Discount interaction might require up to 14 working days.


50. You consent to deliver, safeguard, reimburse, and hold the Stage or any individual related with the Stage including its separate subsidiaries, specialist organizations, proprietors, accomplices, chiefs, officials, specialists and workers (all in all as " Repaid Gatherings" ) free and innocuous from and against any cases, liens, requests, reasons for actionand all misfortunes to the degree emerging from or regarding any or all of: (a) your break or infringement of any of these T&C; (b) any licensed innovation privileges encroachment including yet not restricted to copyrights, brand names or some other freedoms; misfortune, harms, costs, fines, expenses or risk brought or founded by an outsider against the Stage which is caused or added to by you through your utilization of the Stage or the carelessness or wilful wrongdoing of yourself; (c) any infringement or claimed infringement of any regulation, including break of Computerized Security Act,2018; (d) your infringement of the privileges of any outsider, including outsider accomplices.

51. The Stage or any individual related with the Stage, isn't responsible for any private injury, including demise, inferable from or prompted by your utilization or abuse of the Stage, to the furthest reaches allowable by regulation.

Limitation of Risk

52. IN NO Occasion Will " Aromo Health” OR ITS Members BE At risk FOR ANY Aberrant OR Significant Harms, Reformatory OR Important Harms, INCLUDING LOST Benefits, LOST Information, Individual INJURY OR PROPERTY Harm Connected with, Regarding, OR In any case Coming about because of ANY Utilization OF THE Administrations INCLUDING LOSS OF Benefits, Brought about BY THE OTHER PARTY, PATIENT, ANY END-Client, OF THE Stage OR Whatever other Outsider, WHETHER IN AN Activity IN Agreement OR Misdeed Etc., Regarding OR UNDER THESE T and C, Regardless of whether SUCH PARTY HAS BEEN Educated Concerning THE Chance OF SUCH Harms.

53. Obligation OR Misfortunes Emerging OUT OF: (i)YOUR Utilization OF OR Dependence ON THE Administrations OR YOUR Powerlessness TO ACCESS OR Utilize THE Administrations, OR (ii) ANY Exchange OR Connection Among YOU AND Specialist OR YOU AND ANY Outsider. IN NO Occasion Will " Aromo Health” Absolute Obligation TO YOU Regarding THE Administrations FOR ALL Harms, Misfortunes AND Reason for Activity Surpass 2,000 Taka

53. " Aromo Health” Will NOT BE At risk FOR ANY Harms


54. Utilization OF THE Stage IS Despite all advice to the contrary. THE Application/Site IS Given ON AN " With no guarantees" Premise. TO THE Most extreme Degree Allowed BY Regulation: (A) " Aromo Health" Repudiates ALL Risk At all, WHETHER Emerging IN Agreement, Misdeed (Counting NEGLIGENE) OR Generally Corresponding to THE Application/Site, AND (B) ALL Suggested Guarantees, Agreements Connecting with THE Stage, INCLUDING WITHOUT Restriction ANY Guarantee, TERM OR CONDITION AS TO Exactness, Fulfillment, SATISFACTIORY QUALITY, Execution, Qualification FOR Reason OR ANY Specific Reason, AVAILABLITY, NON-INFRINGMENT, Data Precision, INTEROPERABILITY, TITLE ARE, AS Among " Aromo Health" AND YOU, Thusly Prohibited, Specifically, However WITHOUT PREJUCICE TO THE Previous, " Aromo Health" Acknowledges NO Liability Regarding ANY Specialized Disappointment OF THE Web Or potentially THE Stage, OR ANY Harm OR INJURY TO Clients OR THEIR Hardware Because OF OR Connecting with THEIR Utilization OF THE Stage. YOUR Legal Privileges ARE NOT Impacted.

Intellectual Property Rights

55. All stage and its items, elements, and usefulness (counting however not restricted to all data, programming, text, shows, pictures, video, and sound and the plan, determination and course of action there of) are claimed by " Aromo Health" , its licensors, and different suppliers of such material. You should not: a. alter duplicates of any materials from the Stage: b. utilize any representation, photos, video or sound successions or any illustrations independently from the going with message; c. erase or modify any copyright, brand name, or other exclusive freedoms sees from duplicates of materials from the Stage; and d. figure out or any other way endeavor to take the product/application code of the Stage. Any utilization of the Stage not explicitly allowed by the T&C is a break of these T&C and may disregard copyright, brand name, and different regulations and you will be llable to misfortune, harms and repay and hold innocuous " Aromo Health" and some other outsider for such break of copyright, brand name or other licensed innovation freedoms.

Adjustment OF T&C.

56. The Stage holds the right, at its only watchfulness, to change, adjust or in any case modify these T and C whenever, by posting the refreshed T&C on the Stage.

57. It is your only obligation to check for any such changes, adjustment or modification made to the T&C and to dive more deeply into it. Proceeded with utilization of the Stage will be considered as your consent to be limited by the T&C. On the off chance that you don't wish to be limited by the refreshed T&C, you will log out and suspend the utilization of Stage.


58. Non-exercise or inability to exercise or postpone in practicing any right or arrangement of the T&C, will not comprise a waiver of such right or arrangement by " Aromo Health" .


59. In the event that any piece of these still up in the air to be unlawful, invalid, baffled, or unenforceable, under any condition, then, at that point, to the extent that is pragmatic and possible, the leftover segments of the T&C will be considered to be in full power and impact as though such invalid parts were not held back in this.


60. You might end your lawful concurrence with " Aromo Health" whenever by deactivating your records and stopping your utilization of the Stage.

61. " Aromo Health" might suspend or end your record or stop furnishing you with all or part of the Administrations whenever for reasons including however not restricted to (I) your infringement of these T and C; (II) you make hazard of conceivable legitimate openness for " Aromo Health" by your utilization of the Administrations; (iii) delayed dormancy for you; or (iv) " Aromo Health" arrangement of the Administrations to you is presently not economically feasible. " Aromo Health" will put forth sensible attempts to tell you by the email address related with your record or the following time you endeavor to get to your record. Contingent upon the conditions, in every such case, the relationship will end, including without limit your permit to utilize the Administrations, then again, actually the gathered freedoms of " Aromo Health" , the Specialists and Patients, until the end of the T &C, in regard of the Administrations, will keep on excess legitimate

Debate Goal

62. The Stage energizes agreeable settlement of any contention/s that could emerge among you, the Stage or some other client including the Enlisted Specialists. Any such clash will be settled with the help or contribution of the Stage. For tending to any complaints, or some other issues, exchange questions you are urged to report something similar to Client assistance here [INSERT LINK] (" Debate Notice" ). On assistance of the Question Notice, " Aromo Health" and you will endeavor with sincere intentions to determine the debate. In the event that the debate can't be settled by counsel inside 28 (28) days from the date of beginning of such conference, then, at that point, " Aromo Health" and you will mutually connect with a middle person. The strategy for the intercession will be as per segment 89A of the Code of Common System, 1908. If either " Aromo Health" or you fall flat or decline to consent to or support in the intervention strategy or on the other hand assuming in any occasion the debate or contrast isn't made plans to fulfillment of the two players inside 30 (thirty) days after it has been alluded, the matter will be alluded for discretion and got comfortable understanding with the Assertion Act, 2001. The choice of the referee of the arbitral court will be conclusive and restricting upon the Gatherings. Each Party will bear their expenses of assertion. The scene for discretion will be Dhaka and the procedures of mediation will be held in the English language.